When the 2 ton steam boiler operates, the working fluid in the evaporating heating surface will have pulsation phenomenon, and its flow rate will fluctuate periodically with time. Moreover, the hydrodynamic characteristics are multi valued. In addition, the direct current steam boiler consumption of water pressure head is relatively large.
In the process of the steam boiler heat transfer, once through the heating surface, the second kind of heat transfer deterioration phenomenon must appear. At the same time, the direct current boiler has no drum, and the salt brought by the water supply is removed by steam, and the rest of the water is deposited on the heating surface, so the requirement of water quality is relatively high.
The heat storage capacity of a steam boiler is not large, so when there is a disturbance, there will be a lack of self compensation capability and a large change in the parameter speed. When the DC steam boiler load change, we must also adjust the amount of water supply and the amount of coal to keep the material balance and energy balance, in order to stabilize the steam pressure and steam temperature.
In order to reduce the heat loss and the work loss of the direct current steam boiler, a bypass system should be installed as soon as possible. Since the steam boiler has no steam drum, the heating process can be faster, so it will start faster.